Monday, June 13, 2011

Summary of Delivery Medium

Why a blog was selected as the delivery medium
ü  Blogs have a voice and allow individuals to add their thoughts.
ü  Blogs bring attention to what the author is trying to state.
ü  Blogs have style and curation.  A blog can grab the reader’s attention just by the pictures and background.
ü  Good source to communicate the information in a somewhat informal manner.
ü  Will prepare team members for week # 5 individual and team assignments.

Why blog is an appropriate choice for the subject matter
ü  A blog allows for asynchronous interaction through encouraging opinion diversity and feedback within a class and outside sources.
ü  The blog also pertains to online learning and how to facilitate effectively as a facilitator in an online environment.
ü  A blog is a good source to communicate our ideas and be accessed those with internet capabilities.
ü  The blog is a good format for sharing of information and ideas among various individuals.

 How this mode of delivery could be applied to a teaching environment
ü  Students become proficient with the technology required for the course.
ü  Students use new methods of communication with both peers and instructors.
ü  Strengthens each student’s interdependency through collaboration with their peers.
ü  The facilitator will be able to reach a diversity of students and opportunity for reflection time.
ü  A blog can be used as a tool to provide students access to posted information and website links for resources and information.
ü  Students could also respond with their individual input in a less formal setting than the actual classroom or OLS.

An explanation of how the same topic might be presented using a synchronous medium

ü  The facilitator could use instant messaging and this would allow for instant feedback.
ü  The class could also chat in the classroom and use videoconferencing. This way there is less frustration in the class.
ü  A  PowerPoint presentation could be presented in a synchronous classroom environment such as “Go to Meeting” or “Go to Training” that would allow the facilitator to present the information visually and explain the information through an audio format. In addition, classroom discussion could be conducted while the presentation was taking place. This format allows for real time collaboration and more engagement between learners and facilitator.

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