Saturday, June 11, 2011

Advantages of Asynchronous Learning

ž  Flexibility of schedule, no set time or date that student needs to be online

ž  More time for learners & facilitators to complete responses which gives an opportunity for better use of critical thinking skills

ž  More time for reflection regarding the material

ž  More potential for personalized attention and guidance from instructor
ž  Cheaper costs since learners can be in various locations without the need to incur travel expenses
ž  Less social obstacles to learning
ž  Potential for more qualified instructors by eliminating location obstacles
ž  Real world experience
ž  Flexibility of schedule eliminates obstacles related to time zone issues
ž  More dominating students  have less impact upon the class than in real time discussions

1 comment:

  1. How does bandwidth affect the advantages or disadvantaged? This one is for you Randy
